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April 12, 2008



Chapter 6: “A Comparison of the Views of Economists, Economic Educators, Teachers and Journalists on Economic Issues” by William Becker, William B. Walstad, and Michael Watts (pp. 65-88)
in William B. Walstad, ed., “An International Perspective on Economic Education,” Kluwer, 1994

E=Economists, T=Teachers, J=Jounalists; Generally Agree (Disagree)

1.Tariffs and import quotas usually reduce general economic welfare
E 71.3% (6.5%), T 65.5% (14.1%), J 54.8% (12.7%)

2.A large federal budget deficit has an adverse effect on the economy
E 35.1% (15.7%), T 61.0% (7.3%), J 73.6% (4.6%)

3.The money supply is a more important target than interest rates for monetary policy
E 34.3% (40.1%), T 40.1% (29.4%), J 24.6% (34.7%)

4.Flexible and floating exchange rates offer an effective international monetary arrangement.
E 56.0% (8.4%), T 61.6% (5.1%), J 52.2% (5.2%)

5.As the USSR moves toward a market economy, a rapid and total reform would result in a better outcome than a slow transition.
E 27.2% (40.1%), T 19.8% (50.9%), J 22.8% (44.3%)

6.Fiscal policy (e.g., tax cuts and/or expenditure increases) has a significant simulative impact on a less than fully-employed economy.
E 59.3% (9.1%), T 51.4% (14.1%), J 35.3% (’17.4%)

7.The distribution of income in the U.S. should be more equal.
E 48.5% (26.7%), T 35.6% (35.6%), J 35.0% (33.1%)

8.Antitrust laws should be enforced vigorously to reduce monopoly power from its current level.
E 34.9% (27.6%), T 44.6% (17.0%), J 42.4% (21.4%)

9.Inflation is primarily a monetary phenomenon.
E 39.7% (28.5%), T 35.0% (29.9%), J 18.5% (50.7%)

10.The government should restructure the welfare system along lines of a “negative income tax.”
E 44.4% (19.0%), T 29.4% (33.3%), J 13.9% (46.0%)

11.Wage-price controls are a useful policy option in the control of inflation.
E 8.4% (73.9%), T 5.7% (84.8%), J 7.6% (71.9%)

12.A ceiling on rents reduces the quantity and quality of housing available.
E 76.3% (6.5%), T 72.3% (6.2%), J 51.3% (20.0%)

13.The Federal Reserve System should increase the money supply at a fixed rate.
E 13.4% (54.1%), T 10.2% (67.2%) J 5.5% (62.9%)

14.The level of government spending relative to GNP should be reduced.
E 35.6% (44.6%), T 49.7% (22.0%), J 58.9% (15.1%)

15.The Federal Reserve System has the capacity to achieve a constant rate of growth of the money supply if it so desired.
E 25.4% (36.6%), T 38.4% (26.0%), J 22.8% (37.3%)

16.Economic evidence suggests there are too many resources in American agriculture.
E 48.7% (21.3%), T 20.9% (54.2%), J 14.2% (57.1%)

17.Reducing the regulatory power of the Environmental Protection Agency would improve the efficiency of the U.S. economy.
E 10.6% (62.3%), T 11.9% (60.5%), J 12.4% (64.7%)

18.If the federal budget is to be balanced, it should be done over the business cycle rather than yearly.
E 60.1% (13.4%), T 42.4% (32.8%), J 26.1% (35.7%)

19.The cause of the rise in gasoline prices that occurred in the wake of the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait is the monopoly power of the large oil companies.
E 11.4% ‘(67.5%), T 40.7% (36.7%), J 30.8% (47.6%)

20.In the short run, a reduction in unemployment causes the inflation rate to increase.
E 17.7% (39.4%), T 33.3% (35.6%), 20.2% (40.6%)

21.There is a natural rate of unemployment to which the economy tends in the long run.
E 34.3% (30.8%), T 66.1% (10.7%), J 44.3% (17.3%)

22.“Consumer protection” laws generally reduce economic efficiency.
E 18.3% (55.8%), T 14.1% (61.0%), J 12.7% (62.3%)

23.In the movement from a non-market economy (e.g., Poland) it is important that the ownership of productive resources be privatized at the onset.
E 35.1% (23.7%), T 33.9% (14.1%), J 34.2% (16.0%)

24.A large balance of trade deficit has an adverse effect on the economy
E 26.3% (33.8%), T 56.5% (11.9%), J 58.6% (10.4%)

25.Lower marginal income tax rates reduces leisure and increase work effort.
E 22.6% (43.8%), T 21.5% (50.9%), J 8.4% (60.6%)

26.The trade deficit is primarily a consequence of the inability of U.S. firms to compete.
E 18.1% (51.5%), T 35.6% (29.4%), J 25.2% (35.6%)

27.Reducing the tax rate on income from capital gains would encourage investment and promote economic growth.
E 21.1% (49.8%), T 44.1% (22.0%), J 40.0% (25.3%)

28.The U.S. government should retaliate against dumping and subsidies in international trade
E 15.1% (47.6%), T 30.5% (31.1%), J 32.1% (23.2%)

This report is adopted from the following blog: